Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sarah Palin is to politics, what William Hung is to American Idol. I wish people would stop speculating on what she will do politically from this point forward. Her candidacy for V.P. was absurd. Her governorship was absurd. There is no way that the majority of Americans will ever vote her into the Presidency. To speculate on whether or not she will run in 2012 is a waste of time. She says she quit the governorship of Alaska because it was a waste of tax payer money to defend her against the ethics charges, imagine what a huge waste of money it will be if she runs for President. But I’m curious, do the ethics charges go away now that she’s quit her job?


jseals822 said...

Here Here!! So agree Sherry. It is getting pretty ridiculous. Have a great Sunday!

Linda said...

The public loves train wrecks. :)

Don't know the answer to that question, but I suspect the answer is that they ethics questions will not go away. Her move may forestall further ethics questions, but I doubt that either. The questions need to be answered so that future politicians will know when they've crossed the line.

Capitano Tedeschi said...


According to Alaska Statutes it looks like any ethics violation can be investigated for up to 2 years. But that is up to the discretion of the AK Attorney General, who is a Palin appointee.

According to the statutes,
(h) A violation of this chapter may be investigated within two years after discovery of the alleged violation.

Resigning "her title" (old beauty contestant stuff dies hard) does not make Mrs. Palin immune from further investigation.

(c) If the personnel board determines that a former public officer has violated this chapter, it shall

(1) issue a public statement of its findings, conclusions, and recommendation; and

(2) request the attorney general to exercise all legal and equitable remedies available to the state to seek whatever relief is appropriate.


Il Capitano Tedeschi