Sunday, July 12, 2009

Read Between the Lines

When David Gregory asked John McCain if Palin's resignation was consistent with his qualities of leadership, McCain said "Sure".

"McCain said it was a question of how Palin could serve most effectively, and that she had decided she would be most effective if she stepped down. 'I respect that position and that decision," he said, "and I cannot tell you the appreciation I have for her.' "

McCain cannot tell us the appreciation he has for her because he has no appreciation for her. To flat out admit it would be admitting he effed up in his choice of a running mate and thereby screw himself over for any future political aspirations he may have.
See whole post here:
Sarah Palin is to politics, what William Hung is to American Idol. I wish people would stop speculating on what she will do politically from this point forward. Her candidacy for V.P. was absurd. Her governorship was absurd. There is no way that the majority of Americans will ever vote her into the Presidency. To speculate on whether or not she will run in 2012 is a waste of time. She says she quit the governorship of Alaska because it was a waste of tax payer money to defend her against the ethics charges, imagine what a huge waste of money it will be if she runs for President. But I’m curious, do the ethics charges go away now that she’s quit her job?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I watched Erica take her two year chip last night. She's working a good program. I predict she will live a long sober life. She understands the deal. I'm proud of her. I know it hasn't been easy an easy road for her and she's blessed to have found sobriety at an early age.
Savanah is spending the morning volunteering at Houchin Blood Bank. She doesn't even realize the significance of today.