I had a doctor's appointment today. I had to be sure not to miss it because of the whole 24 cancellation policy. If you miss your appointment you owe the doctor a cancellation fee. My appointment was at 2:30. I was finally seen at 3:50. So, why does a doctor get to charge you for missing an appointment, but he/she doesn't owe the patient anything if they are left sitting in the waiting room for an hour and 20 minutes past the appointment time?
Don't get me wrong. I know there are emergencies and chatty patients that can cause appointments to go long. But if I have to give consideration to the doctor because of emergencies and chatty patients, then he should give consideration to me for emergencies and unexpected events that could cause me to miss my appointment. Fortunately, I didn't miss my appointment, but don't threaten me with cancellation fees if I do. I had to wait 6 weeks to get the fucking appointment, I am certainly not going to miss it unless there's an emergency. These are just the thoughts that went through my head as I waited to see the good doctor.
When I was finally called to the examination room I made the suggestion that they get some of those vibrating notification devices that restaurants use so you could at least go for a short walk if you wanted to while you wait. I don't think they're going to go for it.
Once in the examination room I was told to strip completely down and put on the paper gown. It was so humiliating sitting on that uncomfortable table in a paper wrap that didn't even cover my back side. It just drapes across your lap. The paper top was a completely seperate garment. Sort of a half shirt. I tossed that aside entirely. Instead I wore my coat. I felt like one of those pervs in a long trench coat with nothing on underneath. But shit man, it was friggen cold. Paper blankets suck! Next time I'm taking my slippers and a throw blanket and maybe Maddy.
Oh and it looks like I have endometriosis, but won't be certain of that diagnosis until I have a laparoscopy performed sometime within the next couple of months. At that time the doctor will also fix my bb hernia and I'm considering having an endometrial ablation which is an alternative to having a hysterectomy and thereby avoiding hormone therapy. It's a quick and simple procedure where the doctor essentially cauterizes my uterus which will then stop my monthly cycles. However, I will be out of it for 6 to 10 days, says the doctor. Seems a bit long for a quick and simple procedure.
Well, I'm not taking Joel Osteen's advice very well today. I guess I'm a little miffed that I was left in a cold waiting room with only the voices in my head and a paper blanket, waiting with angst to be violated by Dr. Long Finger.
You have my sympathy. I am sorry that you have been in pain and are being forced to go through medical tests, diagnosis and a surgical procedure. You are lucky that you have the support of a loving family and a large circle of friends who can support and comfort you during this difficult time.
You have to bear the pain of the process, but you are not alone.
Capitano Tedeschi
Thank you Jamie. I appreciate your words. You're right. I do have a great support group.
So, just get 'er done as soon as possible. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I'll be there.
Sherry I hope it all goes well! As for the doctor appt. I just went to mine last week and waited at least an hour and was in there for probably 2o min.'s tops. Yeah doesnt make sense. I do have to say though, the doc I have been able to go now post Kaiser, I dont feel like cattle being herded in and out! Good luck and yes if you do need anything let me know.
<3 Joni
I just now saw this post. I had endometriosis. It was no fun. Pregnancy often clears it up temporarily as I found out the hard way in my first marriage. They have such great procedures now. I am sorry for your difficulties and I agree completely with the doctor fee thingy.
VF ... unlain
Madonna's new song title
Like an Unlain !
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