Thursday, June 11, 2009

16% vs. 84%

My daughter, Erica, told me that one of her professors taught that only 16 percent of Bakersfield is actually educated. So what that means is that if you are driving down the road and you call another driver stupid, there is an 84 percent chance that you are right.

Last night Martin and I went to our best friend's graduation at Cal State where he graduated Outstanding Master of Public Administration. I say "Outstanding" because he was actually awarded Outstanding MPA Student.

Sitting in the audience watching the Masters Ceremony I could see the 16% vs. the 84%. The audience was without a doubt the rudest audience I have ever been in. It talked the entire time with some people actually trying to talk louder than the speaker. No one was listening to any of the speeches. Granted, graduation speeches are boring, but these people didn't have even a modicum of decency at any point during the ceremony.

Masters Schmasters, I guess.

The 84 Percent

The 16 percent

Regardless of the rest of the crowd, Martin and I are very proud of Geoff for his hard work.

1 comment:

Linda said...


Geoff is one smart guy, that's for sure. He has good taste in friends also. My congratulations to the graduate.